RMS was proud to host the 2015 Remembrance Sunday Service, and Chapel was full of old boys, old girls, staff, pupils, the ACF, Guides and Brownies, and many visitors, some in uniform, who came to honour those who have died in war.
The hymns were sung with gusto supported by Chapel Choir that also sung the Anthem "I'm going up yonder". The readings, prayers, and sermon gave an opportunity to remember those who have died, and to reflect on how we might live our lives in a way that demonstrates from our hearts and souls how we honour them. We pledged to serve God and all mankind in the cause of peace.
Maintaining the tradition of decorating the Chapel with poppies, the windows had been adorned by each form with a variety of handmade poppies in the weeks running up to Remembrance Sunday.
See the full gallery of Remembrance Poppies here