RMS Edge provides each student with the opportunity to personalise their academic programme in line with their individual interests and aspirations. Students are supported, guided and challenged by dedicated and passionate subject specialists.

The Edge Components

RMSEdge has five components: Academic Core, Intellectual Breadth, Skills, Leadership and Futures, highlighting that tomorrow’s employers will be seeking a wide range of attributes in their future employees.

Academic Core

With 28 different courses to choose from, our Sixth Form curriculum will capitalise on your strengths and interests. To align options with abilities, interests and aspirations, our staff support students’ choice of A level subjects, and timetables are built around individual choices as much as possible.

We will work incredibly hard to ensure you leave us with the best set of results that you are capable of and hope you will do the same. It is our job to ensure you can put your best foot forward as you take your next steps in the world.


Life doesn’t have a syllabus, and we know that a diverse array of experiences are the foundations of a happy and successful life. Our enrichment courses will allow you to pursue intellectual interests, such as feminist theory, cultural affairs, art history and law, or to develop important life skills such as personal finance, cookery and ICT for business. We also offer the Extended Project Qualification.


Employers and universities like candidates with passions and interests. Our extensive co-curricular programme will provide ample opportunities for you to find your niche. Whether taking part in a theatrical production, going for glory on the sports field or volunteering as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, you’ll leave us knowing what confidence looks like. 


As our oldest students, Sixth Formers are role models to the whole RMS community. From the moment you arrive, you’ll be encouraged to embrace opportunities for leadership by representing the school at open events, managing activities and mentoring younger pupils. Formal leadership positions include head pupils, deputy head pupils, prefects, subject ambassadors, sports captains and mentors, but we are firm believers in collective leadership and want all our students to play their part in making RMS a better place.


In addition to RMSEdge we also offer Sixth Form pupils a bespoke futures programme called LEAD (Listen, Enable, Advise, Drive). Through 1:1 guidance meetings, workshops and presentations delivered by our own qualified careers advisor, and professionals in their field from a range of organisations, we explore many aspects of the future jobs market including:  leadership styles, presentation skills, interview techniques, group assessment tasks, professional networking skills and more. 

We are fortunate to have a dedicated careers team who can offer expert advice on career preparation and university choices. All students are encouraged to network, research and undertake work experience and other enrichment activities to enhance their employability skills and help inform their future career decisions.


The EPQ allows each student to undertake a self-directed and self-motivated
project on any topic of their choosing.

Within this process creativity is encouraged and this is a superb opportunity to broaden your own knowledge and passion within an area of interest.

Your project question can be directly linked to one ofyour A Levels but should go beyond the specification. The finished product can either be a 5,000-word essay or an artefact (physical outcome). Alongside your product you will complete a logbook and present your findings to an audience at the end of the process. The EPQ is supported by universities and some even include the EPQ as part of an offer. It is worth 28 UCAS points.

Top 10%

RMS currently sits in the top 10% of schools nationally for value added

Highly Commended

We are proud to have been Highly Commended in the 'Awesome Sixth Form' category of the Muddy Stilettos Best School Awards 2024

Spoilt for Choice

With 28 different courses to choose from, our Sixth Form curriculum will capitalise on your strengths and interests

Our curriculum goes well beyond A level study to ensure that each student in the Sixth Form receives the support, individual recognition and drive for academic success that sees them leave us as dynamic and ambitious adults, ready to take on the challenges of adult life.

The quality of teaching and availability of resources are just a few of the factors that enable the excellent progress that students at RMS make. We encourage students to add value to themselves and embrace RMS life by engaging with the vast array of co-curricular activities that are available beyond the core curriculum.

Online Curriculum Guide

We offer an extensive range of A levels in order to allow each student to devise a personal curriculum in the Sixth Form which will equip them with the knowledge and skills to access the next stage in their learning and career development.

At RMS we build on the talent, knowledge, skills and ambitions of our students to ensure excellent academic outcomes.

Our Online Sixth Form Curriculum is being updated. We will post a new link here in due course.

Sixth Form Handbook

Sixth Form at RMS is unique in that we recognise the importance of helping you achieve the best results you can, but also fundamentally believe in education being so much more than that. Find out more about what to expect as you embark on life in Hind House below.

Click here to view

I feel like I have had an exceptional education while at RMS, I've been presented with so many opportunities that I've faced head on, and I think that it's the outstanding RMS staff that have encouraged me and allowed me to feel comfortable in doing this.

Year 13 Student