Matilda Jr at RMS

Matilda Jr at RMS

Whether inside the classroom or out, our girls are encouraged to create, explore and innovate. Through outdoor learning, an unrivalled co-curricular programme and a classroom-enhancing trip schedule, the inspirational learning experiences never stop.

Sports and Exercise

It is our job to help our girls to develop a love and appreciation of sport and exercise, which will provide lifelong benefits to their physical and mental wellbeing.

Our grounds and indoor sports facilities provide the perfect setting for girls to play a wide variety of sports. Pupils play team games but also have the opportunity to pursue individual sports to a high standard, often with the support of specialist coaches. Our girls mostly play hockey, netball and cricket, but we also field football, gymnastics, athletics, swimming and tennis teams.

Whilst a number of pupils play for local teams and have won representative honours at local and national levels, we are careful to balance elite performance with participation, and our PE staff work hard to create an environment where girls of all abilities can flourish.

Sports News


Music enables our girls to develop invaluable personal attributes such as self-discipline, initiative, imagination and sensitivity. We are proud that many of our girls who sing in a choir or play as part of an ensemble develop friendships with girls in other year groups, which contributes to the deep sense of sisterhood at Cadogan House.

In addition to regular class music sessions, many girls have individual or group instrumental lessons. These take place with professional musicians who also teach girls in the Senior School. We host formal and informal concerts every term and invite parents to see their children perform.


Our girls love to perform and we know that our parents love watching them too!. Every year, Cadogan House girls wow us with their spectacular drama and dance performances, which allow them to express themselves and to build self-confidence and resilience.

We offer group Speech and Drama lessons from Year 4 upwards, often leading towards graded examinations.

Clubs and activities

Our wide array of after school clubs allow girls to uncover new passions and skills. From Sewing to Spanish, Computing to Cookery, Board Games to Ballet, they are spoilt for choice!

Forest School (RMS GO)

At RMS, we believe that every child should have the opportunity to explore, learn, and grow in the great outdoors. That’s why we’re so proud of our RMSGO programme, a year-round outdoor learning experience that begins in Ruspini and continues through to Year 6 and beyond.

Our students have the chance to immerse themselves in nature, guided by our qualified forest school leader. They learn important skills such as risk assessment, tool use, and fire safety, all while having fun and exploring their natural environment. Each session is tailored to the needs of the students, with the flexibility to follow their interests and ideas.

Not only do our students gain invaluable knowledge and practical skills, but they also develop important social and emotional skills such as resilience, independence, and self-reflection. These skills carry over into the classroom, helping our students to engage more creatively and confidently with their learning.

From den building to pond dipping, compass use to team building activities, RMSGO offers a range of activities that encourage our students to be active, curious, and adventurous. And the benefits extend beyond just physical health; regular time spent in nature has been proven to have positive effects on mental health and wellbeing.

We’re proud to offer our students access to our beautiful school grounds and the enriching experiences that come with exploring the natural world. At RMS, we believe that RMSGO is an integral part of our curriculum, helping to foster a love of nature, a passion for learning, and a sense of responsibility for our planet.

Trips and activities

We all remember the excitement of a school trip and the moment of revelation when something learnt in the classroom comes to life. We offer a huge range of excursions – cultural, physical, and residential – to broaden our girls’ horizons and show them something that they wouldn’t experience in school. What better way to learn about Egyptians than to visit The British Museum?

Residential trips in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 teach the girls important social skills – teamwork, sharing, courage to challenge themselves and independence. Current trips include Devon, Shropshire and the Isle of Wight.

We also have an extensive programme of visiting speakers who come to share their knowledge, experience and skills to engage the girls and stimulate their learning.