The RMS scholarship program nurtures excellence in academics, music, sports, art, and drama. Scholarships are awarded annually to outstanding candidates at 11+ and 16+ entry. Recipients are expected to excel and positively impact the school community and beyond.

11+ Scholarships
The Sixth Form Scholarship
Contact Admissions

11+ Scholarships

Registration and Scholarship Application Deadline:
Friday 18th October 2024

11+ Academic Scholarship

Academic scholarships are awarded to those pupils who demonstrate the greatest potential for academic excellence. Achieving an Academic Scholarship is the start of an exciting journey at RMS for Girls with our scholars regularly achieving outstanding performance at GCSE and A Level before being accepted for courses at the strongest UK universities.

Pupils are developed intellectually and “learn how to think” (their words) through a Scholarship Class that is by invitation only, and which places our Academic Scholars in Years 7-9 together one week, and Years 10-13 the alternate week.

Working with older pupils of exceptional ability stretches all pupils, and the tasks each week encourage out-of-the-box thinking, requiring pupils to solve problems from a different perspective, to appreciate and evaluate grey areas, and learn how to approach problems when you are not sure what you should do!

Visiting speakers and academic trips are organised throughout the year with the specific aim to constantly stretch and challenge the raw potential of exceptional capable young women. Students also take part in many subject-specific competitions, with our scholars in recent years winning prestigious national competitions such as the GCHQ CyberFirst competition.

In return, academic scholars are expected to regularly attend the Scholarship Class, to be committed to self-improvement, to help others to learn within the classroom, and to be proud to lead the school academically by participating in all appropriate internal and external competitions and events.

The Assessment Process for an 11+ Academic Scholarship

All 11+ applicants are considered potential academic scholars and no separate application is necessary as the School entrance assessment provides the first stage of that process. Based on the results of the entrance assessments in November, a small number of candidates will then be invited to return for Academic Scholarship testing.

Should you have any questions, please contact our Admissions team

11+ Art Scholarship

Art Scholars are at the heart of the cultural life of RMS. Their creativity inspires the school community through displays of their work all around RMS.

We expect our Art Scholars to immerse themselves in their subject in lessons and through the wide range of activities we provide. Scholars have access to a diverse and exciting range of processes and media, from drawing, painting and printmaking, to sculpture, ceramics, digital media, photography, design technology and textiles. Each of these areas is staffed by an experienced and talented group of teachers and technicians.

The success of the Art Scholars’ programme is reflected by the large number of pupils whose passion and enthusiasm are nurtured to such an extent that they pursue further study and careers in Art after they leave RMS.

Scholars will be mentored though bespoke teacher feedback that will aim to build skills by embracing our values.

The Art Scholars’ Programme typically includes:

  • opportunities to work with visiting artists who have expertise in a wide variety of media.
  • visits to museums, galleries and other places of interest.
  • regular additional sessions to give scholars the opportunity to develop the techniques and approaches that they have explored in workshops.

In return Art Scholars are expected to:

  • demonstrate their genuine passion for Art beyond the classroom.
  • show a commitment to continually improving their technical skill.
  • show a commitment to trying new media and techniques.

The Assessment Process for an 11+ Art Scholarship

  • To apply for an Art Scholarship candidates are asked to submit a virtual portfolio (eg by attachment of photographs or submitted in a Powerpoint presentation) of no fewer than five and no more than 10 pieces of artwork completed in Years 5 and 6 only.
  • From these initial applications, the Art Department will select candidates whom they feel have genuine scholarship potential.

On Assessment Day

  • Candidates must bring all of the original work featured in the online submission. Work should be presented neatly and cleanly; we will be happy to view photographs of 3D work. We would also like to see a sketchbook of the candidate’s drawings.
  • Candidates will be given a practical task to complete.
  • Each candidate will be interviewed by members of the Art Department, and will be expected to talk about her own work and her general interest in the subject.

Should you have any questions, please contact our Admissions team

11+ Drama Scholarship

Drama Scholars enrich the experience of everybody at RMS. Through their talent, performances, and their commitment to School productions they make a valuable contribution to the School’s cultural life.

Drama Scholars involve themselves in all aspects of School drama from auditions to trips, workshops to clubs, in addition to studying Drama as an academic subject. Drama Scholars will also support the extra-curricular theatre programme and have the opportunity to learn about technical aspects of theatre and production alongside our full-time technician.

Drama Scholars are supported and mentored by the Head of Drama, Mrs Kathryn Newby, and they are given opportunities to discuss their development in the performing arts and their aspirations.

The Drama Scholarship Programme provides opportunities for the students to develop their individual talents as an actress, alongside offering activities that will allow them to gain a deeper cultural knowledge, e.g. by theatre visits and workshops that allow the students to see and experience a diverse range of performance styles.

Opportunities to perform abound at RMS as it is a well-established and popular subject. The recently developed facilities boast a fully equipped Production Room and a Recording and a green screen studio with editing suite. Scholars showcase their talents in school performances in both musical productions and plays and can also develop their design and direction skills in a range of projects.  We are also fortunate to have specialised teachers who organise and coordinate a series of LAMDA lessons that focus even further on the development of specific and vital performance skills.

RMS students consistently achieve outstanding results with many awarded places at leading universities and drama schools such as RADA, the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and LAMDA.

Drama Scholars are expected to

  • participate in performing arts activities proactively
  • represent the School in drama events at School and in other appropriate competitions
  • be a role model for Drama with younger students

The Assessment Process for an 11+ Drama Scholarship

To apply for a Drama Scholarship candidates should complete the online application form and provide an application letter of no more than a page outlining the pupil’s interests and achievements in the subject. No portfolio is accepted.

Secondly, the students should upload a filmed monologue of their choice from a published play. The monologue should not exceed two minutes. The filming and audio need to be clear and should show the candidate full length. These should be shared with/emailed to:

On Assessment Day

  • Shortlisted candidates will perform the same monologue that they filmed for the initial application.
  • Candidates should then be prepared to perform and work individually with the Head of Drama and take part in a short group workshop.
  • Each candidate will be interviewed by members of the Drama Department and will be expected to talk about their performances and their general interest in the subject.

Should you have any questions, please contact Mrs Kathryn Newby, Head of Drama

11+ Music Scholarship

Music at RMS is exciting and diverse, featuring regular performances of a remarkable standard. The department is renowned for its friendly, yet energetic and stimulating environment, offering a wide range of opportunities for all pupils and helping them to reach their full potential. The quality of teaching in the Music Department is outstanding. The full-time and visiting music teachers bring a broad range of professional musical experience to the benefit of pupils. A full-time sound engineer records concerts and works with pupils in a variety of ways, including the recording of course work.

The recently opened Performing Arts Centre is an impressive facility for teaching music and includes ten teaching/practice rooms, two large classrooms, a technology suite, a recording studio and green room, a drum room and a recital hall. Elsewhere the School Chapel with its exceptional acoustics seats 500 and boasts a pipe organ and the Great Hall seating more than 800 provides a perfect performance venue. The facilities are amongst the best in the country and pupils enjoy teaching and coaching from a large team of inspirational specialists in their chosen fields.

Musical Scholars are mentored by the Director of Music, Mr Simon Werner and the Assistant Director of Music, Mrs Niamh McNally-Mayne. They are provided with opportunities to discuss and to develop their specialisms. We are proud to offer our Musical Scholars the opportunity to perform and further their musicianship through a variety of instrumental ensembles and choirs which are led by our experienced music staff.

The Music Scholar Programme is designed to further extend our students’ knowledge and passion for the subject, to provide as much experience in performing, composing and appraising as possible, and to facilitate pupils building the necessary skills to prosper as a musician whether it be in a demanding and competitive field as a professional or amateur.

The Music Scholars’ Programme typically includes:

  • tutorials by members of the Music Department to support and encourage pupils’ musical development
  • mentor support from older Music Scholars
  • free music lessons every term in one instrument
  • encouragement to try out other instruments of their choice, where appropriate
  • where applicable, individual learning programmes are designed to meet the demands and needs of those wishing to study music at a conservatoire or university following RMS for Girls

In return, Music Scholars are expected to:

  • continue to play their instrument(s) / sing to a high level within  RMS for Girls
  • participate fully in music ensembles appropriate to their talents in consultation with the Director of Music
  • practise regularly
  • take a full and active role in the music rehearsals and concerts and lead by example
  • support other members of the School in their music making

Scholars are also encouraged to take part in competitions (performing and composing), attend concerts and are regularly advised of relevant master classes/lectures that are being held.

The Assessment Process for an 11+ Music Scholarship

  • To apply for a Music Scholarship candidates must provide an application letter of no more than a page outlining the pupil’s interests and achievements in the subject and a reference from their current music teacher or Head of Music. This reference must be submitted using the Music Teacher Reference Template.
  • As a guide, candidates should be playing at least Grade 5 standard on their main instrument and Grade 3 on their second instrument, but promise, potential, and relevant music experience as well as being willing to commit to Music Department activities are as important as examination achievement.
  • From these initial applications, the Music Department will select candidates whom they feel have genuine scholarship potential.

On Assessment Day

  • Auditions will take place at RMS for Girls
  • Directions and a detailed timetable will be sent to parents in the week prior to the audition
  • Auditions for each candidate will last approximately 30 minutes.
  • The Director of Music, Mr Simon Werner and the Assistant Director of Music, Mrs Niamh McNally-Mayne, will assess the performances.
  • Each candidate will be required to perform either:

two contrasting pieces at a minimum of Grade 5 standard on one instrument, or voice together with sight-reading and aural tests.


one piece on their first instrument or voice at a minimum of Grade 5 standard AND one piece on their second instrument or voice at a minimum of Grade 3 standard together with sight-reading and aural tests.

  • The school can provide an accompanist, but we will require the music for 11+ scholars one week in advance of the audition.
  • There will also be a viva voce with Mr Werner at which candidates will be asked questions about their musical experiences and ambitions.

We welcome applications on any instrument or voice and in any style or genre.

For further guidance, please contact Mr Simon Werner, Director of Music

11+ Sport Scholarship

RMS is synonymous with sporting excellence and Sports Scholars play an important role in ensuring our continued success. Our Scholars are talented and determined young women who relish the challenge of competing at the highest levels of school, national, and international sports.

The School has enviable sporting facilities. The Sports Centre includes a fitness suite, spin room, yoga studio squash courts, gymnasium and a double sports hall. There is a 4G all-weather pitch, tennis courts and netball courts. The campus also has extensive grass pitches, a golf course and a trim trail.

The Cornerstones Programme for Sports Scholars forms the foundation of sporting success and it is tailored to individual needs.  Under the guidance of the Director of Sport, Mrs Lucy Cooper, Sports Scholars will have an opportunity to develop a strength and conditioning programme in conjunction with Nuffield Health/Miss Vaughan-Johncey and attend half-termly mentor meetings (with a member of the PE Department) to set goals and monitor the balance between their sporting and school commitments.

Sports scholars are invited to termly workshops/seminars covering all aspects of sport including psychology, nutrition, strength and conditioning.

In return Sports Scholars are expected to:

  • Act as a role model to peers in the curricular and extracurricular programme.

  • Contribute fully to the extracurricular programme.

  • Demonstrate a high level of performance and representation in two of our major sports, or one to an elite level.

    • Netball, Hockey, Football, Cross Country, Gymnastics, Tennis, Cricket, Athletics or Swimming.

  • Be available to represent the School when required (it is generally assumed that school fixtures take precedence over any club fixtures).

The Assessment Process for an 11+ Sport Scholarship

  • To apply for a Sports Scholarship, candidates should in the first instance complete the online registration form and scholarship application, which includes an application letter of no more than one A4 page outlining the pupil’s interests and achievements in the subject.

  • 11+ candidates should show a high level of skill in at least two of the major sports (outlined above) or be achieving an exceptional standard in one, with supporting documentation from a qualified coach.

  • A compulsory reference from the current Head of PE/Class Teacher is required by external candidates, and from any relevant Sports Coaches detailing current attainment levels, achievements and potential. References should also include how long the pupil has been involved in her sport, level of progression, level of competition and success, response to coaching, strengths and weaknesses. Please pass this Sport Referee Form to your child’s coach for completion.

  • From these initial applications, the PE Department will select candidates whom they feel have genuine scholarship potential.

On Assessment Day

Candidates will:

  • Be tested to assess above-average level of aerobic fitness in the NCF Multi Stage Fitness Test. Details of this test can be found here.

  • Have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability in the chosen two sports.

  • Be interviewed about their sporting interests and ambitions by the Director of Sport and/or a member of the PE Department.

  • Play netball as part of the assessment day (this is not part of the selection process unless netball is chosen as a sport).


To apply for an 11+ Sports Scholarship please complete the online application form. In addition, we require video evidence, where possible, to demonstrate the candidate’s skill level which should be uploaded along with the references when completing the online application form. Referees may be contacted as part of the selection process. Coaches may use the Sports Referee Form or a letter format for references.

For further guidance please contact the Director Sport, Mrs Lucy Cooper or the Admissions team

The Sixth Form Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded during the options process to recognise talented pupils who show great promise in a particular subject area. The variety of pathways ensures that students who are exceptional in a variety of areas of school life are recognised through the different scholarship ‘pathways’.

Scholars are expected to act as role models in their fields of interest. We have a specialised programme of extension activities and opportunities appropriate to particular areas of talent. Unless stated otherwise, students will be expected to take an A-level in the subject they are being assessed on.

Academic Pathway Music Pathway Sports Pathway Drama Pathway Visual Arts Pathway
Students assessed on 2 subjects they have studied in Yr 10/11

There are no set number of Sixth Form scholarships that are offered and the fee discount  may vary depending on the number of students being awarded the scholarship, but as a guide will likely be no more than a 25% fee remission. If a student is already in receipt of a scholarship, that will continue throughout the Sixth Form. Such students are eligible to apply for a Sixth Form Scholarship and if awarded are unlikely to receive any further fee remission.

What does it mean to be a Sixth Form Scholar?

You will be supported, often by the Head of Department, to develop your interest beyond the school curriculum and challenge yourself ready for an application to take your passion beyond school; be that to one of the top universities, to a conservatoire or a sought after degree apprenticeship.

What do we expect of our scholars?

Scholars are expected to continue to develop their passion for the subject and share that passion with others through organising clubs, supporting staff, delivering talks, running ensembles and playing a full part in the extra curricular life of that subject. Apart from the ‘Sports pathway’ where we expect students to be competing regularly for the school, and the ‘Music pathway’ where we expect students to be part of regular musical activities, we expect students to be taking an A-level in the pathway they have been awarded a scholarship in.

Registration and Scholarship Application Deadline:
Friday 18th October 2024

Should you have any questions, please contact our Admissions team

Academic Pathway

Sixth Form Academic Scholarship Assessments | Saturday 16th November 2024

Application process
– Exam papers in 2 subjects of choice which the student has studied in Yr 10/11 and are intending to study for A Level. If a student is looking to study ‘new’ subjects for A-level then please choose a combination of the following exams;
*Psychology – Biology/Maths/Geography
*Sociology – English/Geography/History/PRE
*Classical Civilisation – English/History/PRE
*Government & Politics – History/PRE/English
– Academic interview with the Head of Sixth Form and Deputy Head Academic

What you will be assessed on
– 2 subject based exam papers
– Academic interview
– Predicted grades at time of exam; students who are offered a scholarship are usually expected to attain at least 6 grade 8/9’s

Any preparation required?
– Exam paper: Revision of skills that are required in these subjects. We will be looking for students who can apply what they have learnt to complex situations
– Interview: Practise talking about areas of academic interest you are passionate about and how you have developed your interest. We are looking for students who have a scholarly interest which takes them well beyond the curriculum they have been taught

Music Pathway

Sixth Form Music Scholarship Assessments | w/c Monday 18th November 2024

Application process
– Audition of approximately thirty minutes in duration. Candidates should be of at least Grade 7 standard on their main instrument or voice. If they would like to provide a second instrument or voice, then they should be of at least Grade 5 standard. The ability to perform on a second instrument or voice is not essential. Grade 5 Music Theory would be advantageous, but not essential. Candidates are expected to undertake the study of A level Music.

What you will be assessed on
– Performance of two contrasting pieces at a minimum of Grade 7 standard on one instrument or voice
– Sight-reading test
– Aural test
– Viva voce with the Director of Music and the Assistant Director of Music during which candidates will be asked questions about their musical achievements and ambitions


– Performance of one piece at a minimum of Grade 7 standard on their first instrument or voice AND one piece at a minimum of Grade 5 standard on their second instrument or voice
– Sight-reading test
– Aural test
– Viva voce with the Director of Music and the Assistant Director of Music during which candidates will be asked questions about their musical achievements and ambitions

Any preparation required?
A reference will be required from each candidate’s current school or music teacher. You can download a Music Teacher Reference Template here.

Sports Pathway

Sixth Form Sports Scholarship Assessments | w/c Monday 18th November 2024

Application process
Submit a letter/statement addressed to the Director of Sport (attached to the application) outlining why the student feels they are suitable for a Sport Scholarship. Your letter should include things such as:

– How you might contribute to Sixth Form sporting life
– How you could contribute to the RMS sports programme (ie coaching and assisting with younger age groups)
– Your personal strengths
– Your achievements, interests and activities both inside and outside school
– Your aspirations
– The reasons you are applying for this particular scholarship

What you will be assessed on
– Performance in one chosen sport where they will be competing for RMS
– Interview with the Director of Sport

Any preparation required?
General interview technique and structuring full and engaging answers to demonstrate interest in, and passion for, their sport.

Students are expected to demonstrate a high level of performance and representation in two of our major sports, or one to an elite level.
– Netball, Hockey, Football, Cross Country, Gymnastics, Tennis, Cricket, Athletics or Swimming

Drama Pathway

Sixth Form Drama Scholarship Assessments | w/c Monday 18th November 2024

Application process
A covering letter must be submitted (at time of application) that includes an overview demonstrating the student’s commitment and interest in the subject. Once the letter has been submitted the student will be invited to audition and interview. The student must be undertaking Drama A-level.

What you will be assessed on
– Performance. The student must perform 2 x 2 minute monologues from published plays that are contrasting in style
– Design Portfolio. Design students must chose a published play and create either:
*3 costumes designs
*A set design
*Lighting and sound design for a section of the play

– Interview
*Ability to talk through their creative process
*Awareness and engagement with the play/s
*Overall engagement and understanding of theatre

Any preparation required?
– Learning monologues / creating a design portfolio
– Being fully prepared to talk about the play they have selected to demonstrate a passion for and understanding of theatre beyond what they have studied in school

Visual Arts Pathway

Sixth Form Visual Arts Scholarship Assessments | w/c Monday 18th November 2024

Application process
External students will be asked to submit, in advance, a maximum of five pieces of artwork.
– Interview. Please bring a portfolio containing a maximum of 10 pieces of work
– Drawing assessment

What you will be assessed on
– On-line artwork submission (external students)
– Interview
– Portfolio of work
– Drawing Assessment

Any preparation required?
– Portfolio of work. This can include art completed at school and creative pieces achieved at home or in clubs
– As part of the interview students will be asked to talk about a recent exhibition visit or favourite artist

Our daughter has taken off. She just loves being at the School. I could never have imagined that we could send our daughter there. What RMS has done for us is unbelievable.

Parent of a bursary recipient 2022

Contact Admissions

Director of Admissions and Marketing

Mrs Emma Taker

Senior Admissions Officer

Mrs Urmi Sharma

Senior Admissions Officer

Mrs Susan Mascall

01923 725354