We know that success and enjoyment outside the classroom breeds confidence and self-belief within the classroom, and in the Sixth Form at RMS, you are encouraged to give new things a go and hone your existing talents.


There are over 50 extra-curricular clubs and activities running every term in subjects as varied as Astronomy and Aerobics, Debating and Dance, Cookery and Army Cadets, Philosophy and Photography. Opportunities for leadership and learning, mental and physical challenges all operate alongside sports and the arts.

Sixth Form students are encouraged to take leadership roles in our extra-curricular programme. Many coach sports teams, lead group rehearsals or offer debating support as part of Model United Nations.


There are countless opportunities for travel, both in the UK and overseas. Trips have recently included exchanges in Asia and Canada, European language trips, Geography and Science trips to Iceland, Mexico and Indonesia, History trips to Vietnam and Germany, and Arts trips to the USA, Spain and Netherlands. We also support and raise money for a school in Ghana, and students travel here frequently to help at the school, and to see for themselves where the money they have raised is being spent. Experiences such as these help to make our pupils more aware of their place in the world, and to appreciate the value of diversity and difference.



Sport is an important aspect of life at RMS. Our students are encouraged to participate and to improve their performance, no matter what their starting point may be, and success at every level is celebrated. We are fortunate to have an enviable array of facilities, including an all-weather pitch, sports hall, fitness suite and indoor swimming pool, golf course as well as 300 acres of parkland to explore. We field competitive teams in Netball, Hockey, Swimming, Gymnastics, Tennis, Rounders and Athletics, and also have links with local sports clubs and professionals to support those interested in Golf, Badminton, Kickboxing, Skiing and Sailing.

The Arts

Whether you are a passionate amateur or considering a future in the arts, RMS will give you the courage to explore your creativity. Our Art Department is able to facilitate exploration of a vast range of artistic mediums and regularly exhibits student work in exhibitions.

Opportunities to perform as a soloist, as part of a rock band, orchestra, choir and ensemble group are plentiful, and you are encouraged to take part in one of our many theatrical performances. Our senior singers and instrumentalists have undertaken international tours and a number of our musicians have succeeded in gaining scholarships at prestigious conservatoires.