The Curriculum

The academic curriculum has been designed to provide outstanding educational opportunities that will challenge, provoke, stimulate and celebrate learning, helping each girl to reach her potential.  Core subjects assist with the development of a firm foundation, with support available for girls requiring additional assistance in literacy and numeracy, and more challenging activities to engage girls seeking extension. It is an exciting curriculum full of learning opportunities…

We have specialist teachers in Physical Education, Performing Arts, Science, Art, Design Technology, Food and Nutrition, Computer Science and Languages. We help girls develop critical and creative thinking skills through stimulating and innovative activities, and through broad co-curricular opportunities in including robotics, public speaking and debating and coding.

Academic Excellence

Every girl can reach her full potential at RMS, and our Prep School girls receive a thorough grounding in core subjects to establish a firm foundation. We tailor learning so that girls receive additional support according to their needs – whether intensive assistance in literacy and numeracy, or extension activities to challenge the most advanced girls.

With a focus on inquiry, the girls learn about real-world issues to drive curiosity, questioning and problem-solving skills.

Inclusion in our Prep School

At RMS our Inclusion department is called PALS (Provision of Assisted Learning and Support).

Our aim is to support students with additional needs to access the mainstream curriculum, reach their academic potential, and thrive at our school.

What types of need can be supported at RMS?

At RMS, we support our pupils across the four broad areas of need: 

  • Communication and interaction. For example; autistic spectrum disorder, speech and language difficulties
  • Cognition and learning. For example; dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia
  • Social, emotional, and mental health difficulties. For example; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Sensory and/or physical needs. For example; hearing impairments, processing difficulties

Students at RMS need to be able to access our mainstream school environment independently, but we appreciate that some may need supportive strategies.

Who can the parents talk to about their child’s needs?

Mrs. Morris, the Head of Inclusion (SENDCo), would be more than happy to discuss how we can work together to support your child’s needs.

RMS was the best decision we have made for our daughter. For me, it’s the way my daughter has been enveloped in so much love, support and comfort - she is so happy here, and that comfort and happiness has catalysed her emotional development and her ability to focus and learn.

Cadogan Parent