Admission information for:
Below contains all the information that you need to make your decision. If you would like to visit us, meet the Head or tour the School, please get in touch.
We love to meet new families and would be delighted for you to come and visit. Ruspini House welcomes girls and boys in the half term they turn two for the Pre-School class and girls at 3+ for Nursery.
Individual appointments to visit Ruspini are available daily. Please call our Admissions team on 01923 725354 or email Alternatively, complete the enquiry form and we will contact you.
Families will be given a personal tour of Ruspini House, and its facilities and meet our friendly staff, including the Head of Ruspini House, Mrs Vicky Greig.
Children move seamlessly up to Reception, where they are guaranteed a place, so you may also like to visit our Prep, Cadogan House at the same time.
After visiting, parents should register their child via our online portal and pay the £125 registration fee.
To register simply click the button below and you will be redirected to the Registration Form. The Registration fee can also be paid online.
Priority without guarantee, subject to places being available, will be given to siblings provided they are registered at least three months before the anticipated starting date and their sibling is attending Ruspini when he/she starts. This priority only applies to the offer of a place, not to the allocation of particular sessions e.g. morning/afternoon. Parents wishing to register siblings should do so as soon as possible following birth.
Whenever possible offers are made six months before the anticipated start date. Places are offered strictly in order of registration.
We ask parents to accept their offer of a place within two weeks. At this time, a deposit is also payable. Your child’s place is then confirmed at RMS for Girls and you will be invited to stay and play sessions to help your child settle as quickly as possible into Ruspini.
Start your RMS Journey!
Below contains all the information that you need about the admission process for Cadogan House. If you would like to visit us, meet the Head or tour the School, please get in touch.
Please come and visit the Prep School. We have formal open days, but also welcome personal tours. During your visit, we’ll give you a tour of our facilities and introduce you to our friendly staff, including the Head of Cadogan House, Mrs Melanie Horn.
If you would like a tour of the wider RMS campus that too can be arranged but please allow more time for your visit. Simply give the Admissions team a call on 01923 725354 to arrange a time to suit you or complete the form below and we will be in touch.
Children can join Cadogan in any year group, in any term, subject to space being available.
After visiting, parents should register their child via our online admissions portal and pay the £125 registration fee. Simply click the button below and you will be redirected to the Registration Form.
Joining in Years 1 – 6
With the rarest of exceptions, all Year 6 pupils are guaranteed a place in the Senior School and move seamlessly into Year 7. It is because of the automatic entry to Senior School that demand for places in these year groups is highly sought after and places are limited. Joining RMS prior to Year 4 is recommended.
There is no formal assessment for entry into our Reception class instead we invite prospective Reception pupils to join us for a Taster Morning in January where they are observed by our highly trained Early Years staff.
Entry into all other year groups is by a more formal assessment which also takes place in January prior to entry.
Click here to see our Key Admissions Dates.
If your daughter is successful in her assessment we will make an offer of a place.
Places at Cadogan House are extremely coveted, so we ask parents to accept their offer within two weeks. A £750 deposit is also required at this point to secure the place.
All new pupils are invited to induction days, or stay and play sessions for Reception, during the Summer term.
Welcome to RMS for Girls!
Below contains all the information that you need about applying to RMS for Girls. If you would like to visit us, meet the Head or tour the School, please get in touch.
We love welcoming families to see what RMS for Girls has to offer. We have open events throughout the year, but we also welcome families for personal tours at any time. During your visit, we’ll give you a tour of our facilities – including boarding houses – and introduce you to our friendly staff and pupils. You will also have the opportunity to meet our Head of Senior School, Ms Rachel Bailey.
After visiting, parents should register their child via our online portal and pay the £125 registration fee. Simply click the button below and you will be redirected to the Registration Form. This online registration portal also includes the Scholarship and Bursary forms.
Pupils can join RMS in most year groups, at any point in the academic year, subject to places being available and success in our entrance assessments.
Our 11+ entry assessments take place in November and includes English, Mathematics and Reasoning. The online CEM tests, devised by the University of Durham, have been designed to assess potential rather than prior attainment. We also ask girls to undertake a piece of creative writing and take part in a group discussion with the Head of Senior School, Ms Rachel Bailey and the Head of Year 7, Miss Helen Stanley.
Scholarship Assessments also take place in November. Click here to see our Key Admissions Dates.
However, this day isn’t purely about assessment. We know pupils perform at their best when they feel comfortable, therefore we give all applicants the opportunity to get to know us better. Applicants are invited to have lunch at the School and choose a fun activity, allowing them to create new friendships and familiarise themselves with fresh surroundings.
Offers for Year 7 places (September 2025 entry), will be made on Friday, 29th November 2024. We kindly ask that acceptances and deposits are paid by the date on the Offer Letter, usually at the start of March. Some candidates in oversubscribed years may be added to our waiting list.
We welcome all our new Year 7 class to join us for two familiarisation events ahead of entry. Our first Induction Day in June is an opportunity for new pupils to meet each other and their new Form Tutors but also for parents to learn more about our co-curricular programme and life at RMS. At the start of the new academic year all new pupils are invited to school before lessons begin for a fun familiarisation day.
Sixth Form
Follow the step below to see all the information you need about joining RMS for Girls. If you would like to visit us, meet the Head or tour the School, please get in touch.
Visit Us
We love welcoming families to see what RMS for Girls has to offer. We have open events throughout the year, but also welcome families for personal tours at any time. During your visit, we will give you a tour of our facilities – including the boarding houses – and introduce you to our friendly staff and pupils. The Sixth Form Taster Day for Year 10 pupils takes place in June of every year. Prospective candidates in Year 11 are encouraged to join us for the Sixth Form Preview Evening to meet teachers and find out more about life in the Sixth Form at RMS.
After visiting, parents should register their child via our online portal and pay the £125 registration fee. Simply click the button below and you will be redirected to the Registration Form. This online registration portal also includes the Scholarship and Bursary forms.
The deadline for registrations, scholarships and means-tested bursaries for Sixth Form entry in September 2025 is Friday, 18th October 2024.
We encourage early registration for Sixth Form places as unconditional offers are made, subject to satisfactory interviews, in November prior to the year of entry. We will consider applications throughout the course of the year, subject to space being available.
We meet individually with all Sixth Form applicants. We ask for a reference from every students’ current school and predicted grades. We are looking for candidates with academic interest and a desire to contribute to our co-curricular programme. In all to make the most of the Sixth Form offering.
Sixth Form Scholarship assessments for entry in September 2025 take place on Saturday 16th November 2024.
Click here to see our Key Admissions Dates.
We are happy to make offers throughout Year 11, but the majority are made in November prior to entry.
Offers of a place should be accepted by the date shown on the Offer Letter.
We invite our new Sixth Form students to join us for an induction programme in the Summer term after GCSE examinations. New students with conditional offers should send confirmation they have met their conditions on GCSE results day.
Start your RMS adventure!