What happens in the early years sets the tone for the rest of your child’s educational journey.

Ethos and curriculum

We understand that every child is unique, so our curriculum allows individuality to blossom. Through child-initiated learning and exploration, our children develop active learning skills, creativity and critical thinking; empowering them to pursue their own ideas and interests. We go wherever they take us!

We link activities to seven key educational programmes: communications and language, physical development, personal, social and emotional development, literacy, mathematics, understanding the world, and expressive arts and design.

Outdoor learning

Outdoor learning is a crucial part of your child’s wellbeing and development, so we ensure our nursery children spend time outside every day, come rain or shine! In our spacious and inviting outdoor spaces, our children can explore, discover new passions and learn to take appropriate risks. There’s a method in the mudness! Research shows that time outdoors improves concentration, encourages higher levels of social interaction and builds self-esteem.


Our high staff-to-pupil ratio allows time for high-quality interaction with teachers. Led by experienced Early Years teachers, our nursery team are caring professionals who are experts in the development of nursery-aged children.

Co-curricular enrichment

Learning doesn’t just take place in the classroom. We offer a wide range of co-curricular activities to ensure our children have broad horizons and happy minds. We organise a wide range of enrichment opportunities ranging from Spanish lessons and farm experiences to science experiments and library trips. We regularly welcome teachers from our Prep and Senior schools to lead specialist lessons, which contributes to a sense of community and belonging.

Inclusion in our Nursery

At RMS our Inclusion department is called PALS (Provision of Assisted Learning and Support).

Our aim is to support students with additional needs to access the mainstream curriculum, reach their academic potential, and thrive at our school.

What types of need can be supported at RMS?

At RMS, we support our pupils across the four broad areas of need: 

  • Communication and interaction. For example; autistic spectrum disorder, speech and language difficulties
  • Cognition and learning. For example; dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia
  • Social, emotional, and mental health difficulties. For example; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Sensory and/or physical needs. For example; hearing impairments, processing difficulties

Students at RMS need to be able to access our mainstream school environment independently, but we appreciate that some may need supportive strategies.

Who can the parents talk to about their child’s needs?

Head of Ruspini House, Mrs Greig, and SENCo Mrs Manning, would be more than happy to discuss any questions regarding your child’s development.

I have found Ruspini House an excellent choice in nursery and have noticed a marked improvement in A since her joining in September. She seems to be very well stimulated and I have not seen her this happy at her previous nurseries. She is only three and a half and already writing her name!

Ruspini Parent