It was lovely to see the School Chapel nearly full again for our Advent Carol Service, and there was a splendid moment when we "proudly raised our candles to the sky" as the photos below show.
It was lovely to welcome both current and prospective students and their parents to the service, including the girls who had just spent the afternoon with us on our Year 6 Taster Workshop run by Mr Carson and Ms Bailey.
During the service, the choirs from Cadogan House and Senior School sung some beautiful anthems, and the congregation sung the hymns with gusto. I offered the thought that an antidote to internal feelings of guilt and shame and fear, and to external worries that can easily be internalised, is being open to an increase in love and compassion.
Thank you to those who attended, and I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Christmas.
Rev John Quill, School Chaplain