Last week, Culmington Manor in Shropshire was home to Year 5 for four days of adventure, immersive learning, personal and group challenges.

Written by Mrs Emmerson –

All of the RMS values were in evidence, whether we were balancing on high ropes, carrying a canoe in teams around an obstacle course or aiming to hit the target in archery and rifle shooting – and of course, endeavouring to keep our rooms tidy!

In addition to the thrill of the outdoor challenges, we also enjoyed a visit to Blist Hill Victorian Town Museum.

Our first stop after arrival was the bank, where we exchanged our pocket money for Victorian coins. Not surprisingly the bakery, sweet shop and candle maker’s were hugely popular, but despite the rather strict teacher, we enjoyed a lesson in the schoolroom. We all very much appreciated each other’s company and are already looking forward to next year’s residential trip!