Carlotta, Year 11, was recently given a ‘Highly Commended’ award in a Flash Fiction Competition run by the University of Oxford.

The national competition was set up by the outreach department of the university and was open to pupils in Years 7 to 13, who were tasked with writing a short story of no more than 100 words in French and/or Spanish.

Carlotta (Lottie) entered the Year 10-11 category and was one of only 12 winners. She caught the judges attention with her imagination and narrative flair, as well as her linguistic ability.

The judges said in their comments “The remarkable level of creativity and storytelling ability demonstrated was truly impressive, making the task of selecting just twelve winning entries exceptionally challenging. The winning entries stood out to us for their fresh and inventive approaches, thought-provoking reflections, engaging writing styles, and their ability to explore different and often unusual perspectives.”

Congratulations to Lottie on this fantastic achievement!