Last week, Meghann Whattam, an alumna from the Class of 2015, extended a special invitation to a group of lucky Year 12 students.

They had the incredible opportunity to tour the prestigious McLaren F1 HQ. What makes it even more impressive is that Meghann herself completed the graduate engineering scheme and has now secured a full-time job at McLaren.

Our budding engineering students got up close to some fabulous racing cars, all from different eras, and saw for themselves how engineering has evolved over the years in the quest for more efficient aerodynamics.

They were also fortunate to hear from Meghann and some of her colleagues about their various career paths. The biggest take away was that ‘life doesn’t always work out how you thought it would’, and that ‘there is more than one way to reach your goals’.

A huge thank you to Meghann and everyone at the McClaren Technology Centre for taking time out of their busy schedules to help inspire the next generation. We wish the team the best of luck for next weekend’s Canadian Grand Prix!