Last Friday, our school held its annual upper school Prize Day, providing a wonderful opportunity to recognise the achievements of our Year 10, Year 11, and Year 12 pupils from the previous academic year.

The day was graced with delightful performances by our talented RMS Voices choir, the harmonious RMS Sinfonia, a beautiful solo, and some inspiring readings.

Our guest speaker, artist Lydia Smith, shared her journey of overcoming obstacles and discouragement to achieve her dream of becoming a renowned full-time artist, offering a truly motivational talk to our captivated pupils and families. 

Following the Prize Giving Ceremony, a remarkable Drill performance took place in the Sports Hall, offering pupils, staff, and visitors a chance to witness this cherished school tradition.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all the prize winners and express a well-deserved ‘well done’ to all our pupils for their dedication throughout the previous school year.