Futures Day for Year 12 is an enriching event designed to guide students and their parents through the UCAS application process and beyond. 

This years event started with an introduction and overview of the UCAS form, followed by a recap on how to best use the Unifrog platform to shortlist universities and preparing applications. 

Students and parents benefited hugely from the day, with highlights including a personal statements session by George Dorrity from Bath University, and interactive workshops where students completed sections of their UCAS applications and reflected on articles and books relevant to their fields of interest.

Later, students participated in subject-specific focus tables, ranging from Arts and Sciences to Business and Law, ensuring personalised guidance. 

The day concluded with breakout sessions on various post-RMS pathways, including international universities, gap years, degree apprenticeships, and Oxbridge applications, providing comprehensive support for every student’s future plans.

A huge thank you to our incredible Careers Department and Sixth Form team for all you do to prepare our students to shape their future.