RMS hosted its annual University Choices event today, welcoming accomplished alumnae from various graduating years.

The event provided Year 12 students with valuable insights as they consider their future paths beyond school.

Among the esteemed alumnae were graduates from renowned institutions and companies such as the Royal Veterinary College, the University of Liverpool, the University of Leeds, the University of Sussex, Durham University, Wymondham College, the University of Toronto, the University of Surrey, the University of Birmingham, the BBC, Thames Water, and Aston University.

Students were inspired by the diverse fields, including veterinary sciences, engineering, linguistics, geosciences, and politics, pursued by these inspiring women. The event emphasised the importance of passion, perseverance, and seizing opportunities.

Thank you to our Development and Careers Departments for organising another wonderful event.

Are you an alumna of RMS for Girls?

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