Introducing this week’s Club of the Week – The RMS Creative Minds Club.

Creative Minds is a student-run club led by Nina and Aleesa (Year 12) every Friday and is open to pupils from Years 7-9.

We inspire participants to demonstrate their view or solution for the topic of the fortnight, where the winners win prizes. We are always open to welcoming new people so please come along!

- Aleesa, Year 12

Recently in Creative minds, pupils have been presenting on topics such as: ‘Is technology is good or bad?’ and ‘What I would do if I was Headmistress’.

Every fortnight the best original solution to a problem, in any form, gets a prize, a certificate and a mention in the alpha daily notices. This is a space for all, whether you like drawing, presentations, or making models, there is something for everyone!

To view our previous Club of the Week, Orchestra Club, click here.