Introducing The Five Year Plan
Headteacher, Mr Kevin Carson is delighted to share our new Five Year Plan.
This four minute video explains our process in creating the Plan, and provides an overview of its structure.
The Mission
Every pupil thrives and is prepared to shape their future.
The Vision
RMS is renowned as an exceptional learning environment, a school that thinks differently.
The Cornerstones
Below you will read the articulation of each of the five Cornerstones along with actions we are taking to implement each part of our vision.
We develop confident, adaptable and ambitious learners who are motivated to achieve their personal goals and to shape the future.
Pupils at RMS:
- Love learning, thinking, and being creative.
- Take ownership of their learning and have the highest expectations of themselves.
- Are strong team players who support one another to learn.
- Value kindness, friendship, empathy and celebrating diversity.
- Are encouraged to question, to take on new challenges, and to learn from setbacks.
- Develop the confidence to speak out respectfully to make a positive difference.
- Are encouraged to grow as a person and to develop their unique voice and identity.
- Will be prepared to shape their future in life beyond RMS.
Achieving our aims
Below are examples of how we are implementing our Aims, as laid out in the Strategic Development Plan. Please note, this list is not exhaustive.
Whole School
- Review the curricula across RMS to:
- Ensure appropriate focus on education in digital skills, communication and interpretation, and RMS remains current with changes in the digital world.
- Ensure that pupils show, celebrate and engage with diversity and difference.
- Ensure there are appropriate opportunities to strengthen pupils’ moral compass, develop resilience and develop self-worth.
- Expand our sport provision to ensure that more pupils in more teams are playing in more fixtures across RMS.
- Develop the RMS reputation as a centre of excellence for music to continue to attract high calibre musicians and to further improve the quality of choirs, ensembles, and orchestras.
- Introduce an artist-in-residence working with students across RMS.
- Grow and develop the RMS Outdoor Learning programme from Ruspini House through to Sixth Form.
- Develop the House System to promote full engagement of all students, consistency of experience, and greater integration across year groups.
- Develop the assembly programme across RMS to expand the coverage across all faiths.
Ruspini and Cadogan House
- Assess and review phonics teaching and literacy, continuing the development of Read Write Inc strategies and support.
- Develop and embed maths mastery teaching across Ruspini and Cadogan.
- Development of the role and purpose of Home Learning across Ruspini and Cadogan House.
- Support parental understanding of, and engagement in, the Early Learning Years through parent workshops and structured sessions
- To embed a broader range of pupil leadership opportunities and expand the Cadogan House ‘Able and Interested’ programme to include preparation for RMS Senior School scholarships.
Senior School and Sixth Form
- Ensure each student has a unique, personalised programme of study at RMS.
- Annual Student Voice surveys to measure progress across all areas.
- Educate students on their learning process to support self-regulated learning.
- Develop a Study Skills curriculum, and embed collaborative working skills.
- Reframe the Student Council to ensure that our students are a core part of the decision-making process at RMS.
- Expand and embed an Enterprise Education programme across Senior School and Sixth Form.
- Monthly ‘Pop up’ Careers Talks, covering a wider range of careers and connecting more with our parent networks.
- The creation of an RMS Edge Diploma in Sixth Form to recognise community work, outreach, adventure, and ‘giving back’.
We have an exceptional learning environment within a secure and uplifting setting that supports the success and well-being of everyone.
We value our exceptional school site and will:
- Continue developing inspirational learning environments that match the ambition of the School.
- Preserve the heritage of our listed site whilst offering a student-centred educational experience.
- Provide enriching opportunities for pupils to connect with the natural world through outdoor education programmes and their own personal recreation time.
- Place sustainability, inclusivity and student-centred teaching at the heart of decision making in all RMS site development.
Achieving our aims
Below are examples of how we are implementing our Aims, as laid out in the Strategic Development Plan. Please note, this list is not exhaustive.
- Expansion and modernisation of the Sixth Form space including a new cafe for pupils.
- Significant investment in our Science building to inspire our pupils and staff.
- Enhancement of outdoor recreational spaces across the school including:
- Outdoor canopy for Ruspini House.
- Improvements to the Cadogan House playground including a new trim trail.
- Development of the Senior School outdoor spaces including those in The Garth and Chapel Quad.
- Use of RMS grounds for adventure sports and outdoor education for all.
- Creation of a professional development centre for staff training.
- Ongoing modernisation of classrooms, boarding houses, and day common rooms.
- Planned £18 million core investment in the infrastructure of RMS buildings by the MCF Trust, including upgrading heating, roofing, windows, etc.
We are a diverse, inclusive, dynamic community where all are committed to the success and happiness of our pupils and staff.
Staff at RMS:
- Are ambitious for our pupils and committed to their happiness and success.
- Demonstrate commitment to a diverse, equitable and inclusive community.
- Take ownership of their professional development and strive for self-improvement.
- Nurture a values-based culture focussed on welfare, ambition and positive engagement.
- Continuously review practice and process, fostering creativity and innovation.
- Are recognised and rewarded fairly and competitively.
- Use research-informed approaches to deliver high-quality teaching and learning for all.
Achieving our aims
Below are examples of how we are implementing our Aims, as laid out in the Strategic Development Plan. Please note, this list is not exhaustive.
Embedding equity, diversity and inclusion for all staff and pupils through:
- Sustained training for staff.
- Monitoring and tracking of diversity of applicants.
- Ensure inclusivity in recruitment and admissions.
Ensure recruitment and retention of high-performing staff to support our pupils.
- Monitor and benchmark salary data.
- Integrate the appraisal system and CPD programme to embed personalised development plans.
- Development of a leadership training programme for middle and senior leaders.
- Ensure research-informed approaches support high quality teaching and learning for all.
- A comprehensive wellbeing programme for all RMS staff.
We build strong and active relationships with parents and a broad range of partners to make a positive difference to local communities and our School.
We believe that strong, active partnerships are at the heart of our excellence and we will:
- Work constructively with parents and carers for the success and happiness of our pupils.
- Build relationships with a broad range of partners to enrich pupils’ experiences.
- Nurture relationships that make a positive impact in our community.
- Be open and willing to learn from our partners.
- Raise awareness and develop the reputation of RMS as a socially responsible organisation.
Achieving our aims
Below are examples of how we are implementing our Aims, as laid out in the Strategic Development Plan. Please note, this list is not exhaustive.
Improve communications with key stakeholders to ensure clear and consistent communications.
- Increased parental engagements through open doors, focus groups, reading sessions, speakers.
- Increased support for FORMS and communications of events.
- Support parents in their understanding of how best to support their children as a different generation – for example ‘state of the university system today’ information.
- Inform our community about our bursary programme and increase the number of pupils who can benefit from a transformative RMS education.
Review current partnerships and how they support our community – assess their impact, and identify areas where new strategic partnerships could be developed.
- Enhance our existing links with other co-educational and boys schools.
- Regular hosting of competitions and events for local schools in both prep and state sector.
Build relationships with potential employers to support students as they consider their future careers.
- Establishing an ‘Enterprise Zone’ in Weybridge to facilitate local businesses to partner with RMS.
- ‘Find your Futures’ careers fair every three years to include universities, employers and volunteering opportunities.
We educate and empower pupils to be global citizens, knowing that at every level we can make a difference to create a more inclusive and sustainable world.
RMS believes in:
- Educating pupils to be responsible global citizens who know that at every level we can make a positive difference.
- All members of our community and every department recognising their role in making RMS more equitable and environmentally responsible.
- Being a model to other schools on social issues and sustainability. Developing pupils’ knowledge, confidence and skills to speak to a high standard about global issues and to make a difference through their actions.
Achieving our aims
Below are examples of how we are implementing our Aims, as laid out in the Strategic Development Plan. Please note, this list is not exhaustive.
Develop a school sustainability plan to set key objectives for all aspects of education and school management
- Review energy consumption and set targets for reduction and plans to achieve this.
- Consider school travel plans to encourage sustainable travel and increased use of shared travel such as school coach transport, cycle to work schemes, cycle training for pupils.
- Review waste management strategies.
Ensure eco-committees and school curriculum reflects best practice and are empowered to support change within the pupil body.
Ensure relevant staff are trained to develop best practice across their areas of responsibility to embed sustainability within development planning.
Increase the use of school grounds for ecology-based projects within our community – e.g. bee hive project, trout release.
Our Values
RMS is a Value-Based school, and our Values underpin all that we strive for as a community.
During the process of formulating the Five Year Plan we also reviewed our Values. These were launched in September 2021.
We now celebrate our six Values of Inclusivity, Courage, Ambition, Kindness, Perseverance and Integrity, with a special focus on one each half term.